industry case study

Procurement Made Easy
for a Variety of Industries

Simplify procurement across industries like IT & Services, Technology, Oil & Gas, Education, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical, Light Manufacturing, Logistics, Warehousing, Construction & Engineering and more.

Achieve streamlined processes, enhanced efficiency, and improved compliance with customised solutions. ADAM is a Cost Effective, Affordable, Best Procurement System in Malaysia.

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cost effective procurement system in malaysia

Industry Overview

Reduction in 30% vendor management

Enable users to engage any vendor in the market whilst maintaining compliance & controls. Resulted in on time payment, PO issuance and payment terms. 

Control & compliance on tail-end spend

Ensuring strict controls, monitoring and reporting; allowing only selected users & approved categories.

Data Analytics and reporting

Live reports access allows analytics to be accessed on a single dashboard with export capabilities


ADAM has helped Amazin’ Graze digitalized and centralized its procurement processes across the different countries, departments, teams and systems; enabling better cost control and visibility.
  • Integration into both systems results in elimination of manual data transfer; removing potential human errors.
  • Enable centralized procurement personnel to manage and monitor different countries requisition within a single platform.
  • Allowing the current team to now efficiently manage more requisition activity
cost effective procurement system in malaysia
cost effective procurement system in malaysia

Health & Fitness

With the implementation of ADAM as the central procurement tool, it has helped the Fitness First Group of Companies standardise & control orders across more than 70 club outlets. This has resulted in time & cost savings, reduction in paperwork and improved visibility.
  • Eliminated human errors with a preset catalogue so that outlets can only requests controlled items pre-determined by Procurement.
  • Reduced manual processes from manually creating POs, rectifying human errors, and data consolidation between teams.
  • Time saved by automating manual activities so the procurement team can focus more on strategic activities to add value to the business.

Food & Beverage, Retail

ADAM has provided a streamlined platform that has significantly reduced the need for manual activities. In addition, the group experienced higher level of operational compliance and visibility which elevates the team’s efforts into more strategic activities. Turnaround time has improved significantly from weeks to just 6 days (end to end requisition process).
  • Procurement can automatically see the last purchased price with a digitalised catalogue which tracks supplier-specific prices.
  • Users from 16 outlets can now raise digital requests that can be converted into a PO within 1 day.
  • All approval activities are now logged digitally with full transparency for all parties instead of Whatsapp or verbal.
cost effective procurement system in malaysia
cost effective procurement system in malaysia


ADAM has transformed the organization's requisition process from paper to digital within 4 weeks. Apart from digitalizing & streamlining the organization requisition and approval process, ADAM enabled Honda Logistic Malaysia to enhanced its processes and workflow to incorporate controls, review process and eliminated of data duplication.
  • Remove manual creation of PO module in accounting system from excel PR forms.
  • All requestors can access ADAM to upload the vendor invoices & delivery notes (DN) into the PO, in preparation for the 3-way matching process.
  • With Advance Payment module, digital controls were placed to monitor the documentation trail linking to the respective POs.


More than 95% time saved from the implementation of ADAM. The system has enabled SEGi digitalise the entire manual PR creation & approval process to issue a PO, from weeks to days.
  • >500 relevant users from different billing entities now have access to a digital Request or Purchase Requisition Form.
  • Ability to set multi-tier approval with complex logic capabilities.
  • Procurement now has visibility of the same vendors that were previously stored across silo billing entities. ADAM centralised the vendor database, allowing better vendor management.
cost effective procurement system in malaysia
cost effective procurement system in malaysia

Properties & Facilities Management

ADAM enabled LYG to digitalise the manual PR & approval process to issue a PO, from weeks to days. Digital approvals has saved everyone's time from administrative tasks to monitor approval logs.
  • POs that were manually generated & repeatedly approved are now automatically translated from an approved PR, saving time on repeating approvals.
  • Eliminating the need for respective departments to administratively track or office personnel to physically courier documents between locations for approvals.
  • Enforcing expense policy and overseeing budget distribution.


With the implementation of ADAM, Dignity for Children Foundation was able to remove all physical submission (from raising request, payment vouchers to purchase orders) while improving visibility of the overall organisation’s purchasing activities.
  • Elimination of manual submissions. Entire Requisition process & document trail is visible to authorised users thus removing the worry for missing documents.
  • Business units no longer need physically hand in or email Requisition form and risk having documents being buried or forgotten in document/email pile.
  • PO does not need to be manually created in accounting system to be sent to supplier as ADAM’s PO module directly generates a PO from an approved PR.
cost effective procurement system in malaysia

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