Create Requests Form

Submitting Request Form

Step 1: Under ‘Request’, click on ‘My Requests’

Step 2: Click ‘New Request’

Step 3: Choose a ‘Form’

Step 4: Fill in all required fields

Step 5: Click ‘Next’

Step 6 : Review and click ‘Submit’ to submit

Action on Submitted Requests Form

Step 1: Under ‘Request’, click on ‘My Requests’ or ‘Company Requests’

Step 2: Search and filter requests submitted

Viewing Submitted Requests Form

Step 1: Search for the relevant submission as per the section above

Step 2: Click ‘View’

Copy Requests Form

Step 1: Search for the relevant submission as per the section above

Step 2: Click ‘Copy RQ’

Step 3: Fill in all required fields

Cancel Request Form

Step 1: Search for the relevant submission as per the section above

Step 2: Click ‘Cancel RQ’

Reminding Approver(s)

Step 1: Search for the relevant submission as per the section above

Step 2: Click ‘Remind’

Submitting a Request

This section will cover the process of submitting a  Request Form for approval

Step 1: Under ‘Request’, click on ‘My Requests’

Note: If you are unable to access the ‘Request’ module, please contact your ADAM administrator.

Step 2: Click ‘New Request’

Note: The button will show ‘Draft Request’ if you have an in progress draft. To create a new submission, you will need to cancel or complete the previous draft.

Step 3: Choose a ‘Form’

Select Form Type and click ‘Next’

Note: If you are unable to find a specific form, please contact your ADAM administrator to assign the form to you.

Step 4: Fill in all required fields

There are two main sections in the form

  1. Main Information
  2. Item/Service Information

1. Main Information
This section relates to the requestor’s details

The requestor name, email & contact number would be auto-filled. Delivery & Billing Address will be pre-filled, you may change to any other entities and addresses assigned to you.

Internal comments inputted would be seen by your approvers and the procurement team.

Note: Any field with asterisk ‘ * ‘ indicates this is a required field

2. Items/ Products Information
This section relates to the item that you would like to submit. Depending on the form setup, you can either input the item via

  1. Free Form Text, or
  2. Searching from a Catalogue, or
  3. Displaying the Full Catalogue

a. Free Form Text
Type to fill in the information accordingly.

b. Searchable Catalogue Products
If your company has enabled searchable Catalogue Products for the form, you may type in items/products name to search for items/ products assigned to you. Click to add the into the field

Note: Requesters can only search products from a catalogue that they are assigned to. If you are unable to find a specific product, please contact your ADAM administrator.

c Full Catalogue Display
If your company has enabled Catalogue Products for the form, you may click to list all items/products in the catalogue.

Note: Requesters can only select a catalogue that they are assigned to. If you are unable to find a specific catalogue, please contact your ADAM administrator.

Step 5: Click ‘Next’

If the ‘Next’ button is greyed out, please recheck your form to ensure all compulsory fields are filled.

Note: Any field with asterisk ‘ * ‘ indicates a compulsory field. Any icons highlighted in Red indicate a compulsory field has not been filled up.

Step 6 : Review and click ‘Submit’ to submit

Review and confirm all information is correct before submitting.

Upon submission, you will receive an email confirming that your submission is successful and submitted for approval

Action on Submitted Requests Form

This section will run-through how you can act on your submitted request form

Step 1: Under ‘Request’, click on ‘My Requests’ or ‘Company Requests’

  • My Requests : Showing all Requests submitted by you
  • Company Requests : Showing all Requests submitted under billing entity and/or delivery address you are assigned to.

Step 2: Search and filter requests submitted

You will be redirected to a page where it shows a list of requests that you or your organisation have submitted.

Use the search bar to identify specific submissions. You may refer to the placeholder text within the search bar. You may also filter submissions by using the “Filter” button.

Viewing Submitted Requests Form

This section will run-through how you can view your submitted request form.

Step 1: Search for the relevant submission as per the section above.

Step 2: Click ‘View’

You will be redirected to submitted request detail page

Requests Form status definition :

  • New : No approval flow set up
  • Pending Approval : Waiting for requests to be fully approved
  • Incomplete : Approval flow issue
  • Cancelled: Requestors cancelled requests before approval
  • Approved: Requests fully approved
  • WIP: Someone updated the RQ Status
  • Closed: All actions have been completed
  • Processing: Part of the items are in PR Draft
  • Partial: Part of the items has converted to a PR
  • Completed: All items has converted to a PR
  • Declined: Not to be actioned further

Copy Requests Form

This section will run-through how to copy your submitted request form.

Step 1: Search for the relevant submission as per the section above.

Step 2: Click ‘Copy RQ’

Note: Please take note that Copy RQ will replace your current drafted request form

Step 3: Fill in all required fields

By default all details will be copied and pre-filled in your drafted form. If there are compulsory fields that are not pre-filled,  you will still be required to fill in the additional details.

Cancel Request Form

This section will run-through how to cancel your submissions.

Note: Cancellation can only be done for form under ‘Pending Approval’ or ‘Pending Review’ status,

Step 1: Search for the relevant submission as per the section above.

Step 2: Click ‘Cancel RQ’

Click on the ‘OK’ to confirm your cancellation

If you wish to edit and resubmit your Request, please refer to ‘Copy Requests Form’ above.

Note: If your request has been approved, please reach out to approver or company admin to ‘Decline’ your submission

Reminding Approver(s)

This section will run-through how to remind the approver(s) to approve or review your form

Step 1: Search for the relevant submission as per the section above.

Step 2: Click ‘Remind’

This action will resend the approval email to the approver for their action.

Note: Users are only allowed to remind the approvers once a day.

To view the approval flow for your submitted request, click ‘Approval Status’ in the request detail page